Which Plants Grow Best In Hydroponics

by RightFit Gardens | Last Updated: October 23, 2021

Few of us have acres of land on which to plant our own fruits and vegetables. If you don’t have enough indoor garden space but want to start growing your own food, consider hydroponically cultivating plants.

Hydroponic growing is a style of horticulture in which you grow plants without soil. Compact crops instead develop in a nutrient-rich-based growth environment with a water reservoir. You can regulate the atmosphere and nutrients for hydroponic plant growth. It even saves fresh water compared to traditional soil-based systems.

Both casual gardeners and commercial growers that live in difficult climates will love it. Fruits can be grown all year long. Fruits that aren’t available in your area or climate zone can also be grown. A hydroponic plant has a 30 percent to 50 percent faster growth rate than a plant grown on soil when cultivated under the same conditions.

The seven best plants for hydroponic growers are listed below. When selecting a plant for your hydroponics system, there are numerous aspects to consider. Among them are:

  • What are your favorite foods?
  • Grow lights can be used to supplement the lighting.
  • Plant height; how much space do you have?
  • If the plants need pollination to produce fruit.

Best Plants for Hydroponics

Setting up an indoor hydroponics system involves time and money. You wish to grow successfully. Here are some of our favorite edible plants that thrive in hydroponic environments. We’ve also included some compelling arguments on why you should plant them!

First and foremost, let us discuss the best veggies for hydroponic production.

Best Vegetables


Hydroponic lettuce is almost certain to rank among the top five plants for hydroponic systems on any list of popular plants. One of the easiest plants to cultivate this way is lettuce.

It’s also one of the most often grown crops in a hydroponic garden, presumably because it’s so simple.

Leaf lettuce has a small root structure that corresponds to its modest height above ground. As a result, unlike many other plants, it does not require staking.

To grow lettuce, you only need to replace their nutritional solution on a regular basis. Growing lettuce also has the advantage of not requiring pollination to create leaves. It’s perfect for growing in greenhouses and other enclosed environments because of this.

It may be used in almost any hydroponics system, including nutrient film, aeroponics, and ebb and flow.

In hydroponic farming, lettuce are of the fastest-growing plants, so if you stagger planting, you’ll have an endless supply of fresh salad leaves. In fact, most leafy greens are similar, so don’t forget to try spinach, kale, and arugula as well!

Growing Information:

  • pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Cool temperatures only.
  • Harvestable in six to nine weeks


hydroponic radishRadish is another simple veggie to grow in nutrient-rich water. Radishes can be grown with lettuce because they prefer similar chilly temperatures and slightly acidic pH values.

You can reproduce them directly from seeds, and seedlings should appear within three to seven days. You can stagger the planting, just like lettuce, to ensure a continuous supply of radishes.

Radish plant roots and leaves are also edible. They’re well-known for being a superfood that’s high in antioxidants and nutrients.

Growing Information:

  • pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Cool temperatures only.
  • Harvestable in three to four weeks


Hydroponically grown beans are low-maintenance and extremely productive! Green beans, lima beans, pinto beans, and pole beans are all excellent choices for growing. However, a trellis or an A-frame will be required to support the pole beans as they grow.

This is another food that you may pick consistently without having to stagger the planting. Pick beans while the pods are still young and sensitive, before the seeds start to protrude, as they can become tough if left on the plant for too long.

Beans are high in protein and fiber, and they can aid with diabetes management and heart health, among other things.

Growing Information:

  • 6.0 is the ideal pH level.
  • Best in warm temperatures.
  • Harvestable in six to eight weeks.

Best Fruits

Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, and strawberries are among the greatest hydroponic fruits. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers belong in the fruit category, however, for the sake of accuracy, seed-containing produce is often classed as a fruit rather than a vegetable.


Cucumbers are another low-maintenance, high-yielding fruit that thrives in hydroponic systems. They appear in a wide range of shapes and sizes, including those that grow on vines and bushes.

Stick with shrub kinds that grow roughly three feet tall and wide if you don’t want to go through the hassle of erecting a trellis or A-frame.

Pick the proper cucumber for you. Some cucumbers are excellent for slicing into sandwiches, while others are great for pickling.

If you’ve never planted cucumber plants before, you’ll be surprised at how quickly they develop. Cucumbers grow quicker if you pluck them frequently.

Unless you have a large family or want to pickle cucumbers, one or two plants would provide for most people’s daily needs.

Growing Information:

  • 6.0 is the ideal pH level.
  • Best in hot temperatures.
  • Harvestable in six to eight weeks.


Different types of tomatoes can be grown in the same hydroponics system because they all require hours of light and heat. If you’re growing inside, a grow lamp will almost certainly be required.

Fruit can appear in as little as eight weeks, depending on the cultivars you choose, but some may take much longer.

To support the plant’s weight, you may need to use a substrate in the water, such as clay pebbles. It’s best to use an ebb and flow system and grow tomatoes in 3–5 gallon pots. Tomato plants will require regular pruning to avoid taking over the entire space and to make it easier to recognize the tomatoes as they mature.

When learning how to produce hydroponic tomatoes, you’ll frequently need additional support from an A-frame, which should be set up before the plant has too many branches.

Growing Information:

  • 5.5 to 6.5 is the ideal pH level.
  • Best in hot temperatures.
  • Harvestable in eight to 14 weeks.


Because pepper plants prefer warmer weather, they thrive in comparable hydroponic gardening to tomatoes. They can be grown from seed or transplanted. To grow peppers, we recommend using either a deep water culture or an ebb and flow system.

If you’re planting bell peppers, you can start pruning and pinching them when they’re about eight inches tall to limit their height and increase pepper growth.

Spicy jalapeño and habanero peppers, as well as sweeter Mazurka, Cubico, Nairobi, and Fellini peppers, function nicely in a hydroponic system.

Growing Information:

  • 5.5 to 6.0 is the ideal pH level.
  • Best in warm to hot temperatures.
  • Harvestable in seven to 11 weeks.


Fruits are typically more difficult to produce in hydroponics than common vegetables, but hydroponic strawberries are an easy and delicious exception!

They take a while to get going, but they are extremely low-maintenance and well worth the wait. It’s far better to opt for runners since strawberry seeds can take years to become fruit.

Strawberries grow exceptionally well in England, indicating that they need rainy environments. Is there anything wetter than a hydroculture garden?

Strawberry plants are one of the most popular hydroponically cultivated plants commercially.

A hydroponic setup is more likely to produce larger fruits than a soil-based setup, and you can harvest all season round.

They’re also among the most costly fruits in the store, despite being among the easiest to grow. If you enjoy strawberries, cultivating your own at home will save you a lot of money.

Growing Information:

  • 6.0 is the ideal pH level.
  • Best in warm temperatures.
  • Harvestable in four to six weeks after blossoming.

Blackberries, grapes, and blueberries are other water-loving fruits that can be grown under hydroponics.

Additional FAQS

Is it possible to grow all plants hydroponically?

Yes! A wide variety of plants can be grown hydroponically with the appropriate setup and nutrients, which is astonishing. Photosynthesis is the process through which plants grow. They don’t require soil to thrive; all they require is water, sunlight, and CO2. You may grow your hydroponic plants anyplace as long as you provide them with these three things.

Where necessary, grow lights can be used to replace natural light. Natural sunshine, on the other hand, is healthier for the majority of plants since it is more intense and has a wider spectrum of light.

Root crops, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, on the other hand, have extensive root systems and thrive in an in-ground setting.

What plants thrive in hydroponic systems?

While all healthy plants can be cultivated hydroponically, some compact plants respond better to the hydroponics system than others. In general, lettuce, spinach, strawberries, and bell peppers, as well as other herbs like basil, parsley, and dill, are the ideal plants for hydroponics.

All of these crops are hardy, quick-growing, and simple to grow. As a result, even if this is your first time growing, the odds are in your favor.

Vining plants and corn are two crops to avoid in hydroponics due to gardening space constraints. You must provide adequate vertical space for the tall corn stalks for a corn crop to thrive.

Which herbs thrive in hydroponics?

Basil, dill, parsley, and cilantro are the greatest herbs to grow in hydroponics.

Which hydroponic crop is the most profitable?

Given the fact that any plant may be cultivated hydroponically, it should come as no surprise that cannabis is the most profitable hydroponic crop.

Hydroponic herbs are also a valuable crop. Bay leaves, tarragon, chives, mint, dill, basil, and cilantro all sell for a lot of money. Before deciding which herbs to cultivate, make sure you have the correct hydroponics system and the right circumstances to support them.

If You might need to use artificial lighting to replicate the sun and regulate ideal temperatures for indoor growing. That way, you’ll have the best chance of success and a plentiful crop yield each and every time you cultivate.